What is the point of this Web site?
1. To try to inspire opponents
of America's global empire, irrespective of their political, religious or theoretical backgrounds, to work against that empire
in a way that will yield sustainable
results in the long term.
2. To present
a vision of a diverse world where different communities can live according to their own values, rather than a global empire
where we all have to live according to cosmopolitan, American, neoliberal McValues. To try to suggest realistic ways of gradually bringing about such
a world.
3. To provide a resource for those
who are attracted to the basic principles of national-anarchism but who have been deterred from supporting it because of the
antics and incoherent ravings of some of those who have set themselves up as the 'leaders' of national anarchism. To encourage
national-anarchists to turn their backs upon the dubious characters who would pose as their 'leaders' and to encourage national-anarchists
to overthrow such people. To encourage national-anarchists to adopt a spirit of lone wolfism, personal networking and individual
activism rather than waiting for 'leaders' and 'organizations' to hold their hands.
What is national-anarchism?
On reading the writings of
national-anarchists it is possible to identify certain core ideas. In the writing On a decisive break with far-right ideology, the following are suggested as the core ideas of national-anarchism:
1. That a one-world government,
either in the form of a de jure global superstate or in the form of a de facto global superstate arising from
an advanced state of globalization, is a bad thing.
2. That imperialism and neo-imperialism are bad things.
3. That the creation of small, more-or-less independent communities
is a desirable alternative to globalization, imperialism and neo-imperialism and that a world built up of such communities
would be a good thing.
4. That the traditional political distinction between ‘left’ and ‘right’ is simplistic
and unsuited to the modern world.
5. That in the highly globalized world of today, which approximates to a de facto global superstate,
a more useful distinction is that between ‘the system’ (‘the Establishment’) and ‘the enemies
of the system’.
6. ‘The system’ (‘the Establishment’), being a globalizing, imperialistic and neo-imperialistic
institution, is a bad thing that should be opposed.
7. That some degree of alliance formation between enemies of the system is a good thing.
The bottom line, then, is that
we seek to encourage people to work towards isolated, autonomous, self-governing communities in the most remote regions of
the Earth.
Good grief -- that's
long winded!
Yes, unfortunately it's not
possible to please everyone on one Web site. We're seeking, here, to influence serious people who possess motivation and resources.
Simple sentences and pretty pictures are unlikely to have much impression on the folk we want. However, in response to complaints
that this Web site is far too theoretical and that the articles are too long, we've prepared a short 'National-Anarchism made
simple' section. For short sentences and simple arguments click here.
Are you communists?
No. If communists work against
imperialism, or take actions that further the cause of national-anarchism, then we are happy to make common cause with them.
If they work for imperialism (as the old Soviet Union did), or become subverted by the Establishment (as the Chinese regime
has) or take actions that are against the cause of national-anarchism, then we will oppose them.
Are you fascists?
No. If fascists work against
imperialism, or take actions that further the cause of national-anarchism, then we are happy to make common cause with them.
If they work for imperialism (as Hitler and Mussolini did), or become subverted by the Establishment (as the Spanish Falangist
regime, often called ‘fascist' did) or take actions that are against the cause of national-anarchism, then we will oppose
Do you encourage people
to break the law or commit acts of terrorism?
No. As a general rule the costs
of unlawful acts usually vastly outweigh any benefits, at least in the countries of
the Western World (the Middle East and Africa, in particular, may work by different rules). The forces of law and order, in
the Western world in particular, are vigilant and have access to quite frightening technology. If someone suggests to you
that you should do something unlawful the chances are that the person making this suggestion is either (a) an idiot, and therefore
dangerous, or (b) an agent provocateur -- an enemy deliberately trying to get you into trouble. We therefore explicitly
do not encourage you to break the law or commit acts of terrorism. On the other hand, where organized resistance movements
exist and are struggling against the imperialists in peripheral parts of the American empire, we encourage you to look to
their established and recognized leaders for advice on what actions you should or should not take.
What is your relationship
with national-anarchist 'organizations'?
None. We specifically discourage
the formation of 'national-anarchist organizations' and regard those who insist on forming them as probable Establishment
agents. We want our supporters to get out there and conduct propaganda rather than sitting back and joining 'organizations'.
These 'organizations' encourage their supporters to reveal their personal details and thoughts to all and sundry and hence
are excellent state 'honey traps'. Their idea of 'activism' appears to be encouraging their members to send e-mails to each
other. By all means network but do it carefully and trust nobody too much. We are a campaign
and not an organization. National-anarchism will be propelled forward by pioneers -- by individuals and groups of individuals with the resources and means to establish
isolated, autonomous, intentional communities -- and not by 'organizations'.
What is your relationship
with the national-bolsheviks, the Islamists, the classical anarchists, the 'far right' and the genuine Maoists (as distinct
from the Chinese government)?
have the utmost respect for all of these revolutionary people who are working, in their own many and varied ways, against
the American empire. Despite the obvious theoretical differences we support all of these people when they genuinely and sincerely
seek to weaken America's influence and to establish viable alternatives.
OK, I like the ideas.
So how do I join?
You can't. There is no 'organization'
for you to join. There are very good reasons for this.
First, too many people seem
to think that they're doing something useful simply by joining an organization and then sitting back and waiting for something
to happen. We take the view that this is not useful. If you are serious about doing something then go and do it yourself rather
than waiting for others to hold your hand. If you're not serious about doing something, then why bother us? We encourage a
spirit of individual activism or lone wolfism. You will find suggestions about some of the things that you can
do below and in the writings on this site. Of course, informal networking between N-A supporters is important. However, it
must never be allowed to replace the spirit of individual activism, which, at this stage, is the only way to make concrete
gains. Quite apart from anything else, this outlook makes us very unattractive to the armchair revolutionaries who clog up
and paralyse most radical movements. The other advantage is that it tends to draw in intelligent, serious activists.
Second, organizations can easily
be rendered ineffective by the Establishment. The intelligence agencies of the state, as well as other enemies, are very adept
at infiltrating and subverting formal organizations. Sometimes they cause divisions between leaders and between members. Sometimes
they intercept letters and e-mails to the organization so that supporters of the organization feel that they are being ignored,
or they use other similar tactics to create an image of an organization as 'useless'. Sometimes they worm their way into the
leadership of an organization and render it ineffective. Sometimes they tempt supporters of an organization to engage in illegal
acts, which result in supporters being imprisoned, or in other acts which discredit supporters or their organization. Sometimes
they use outright bribery. It is much harder for our enemies to do these things if there is no formal organization.
Over the years, the Establishment has become expert at destroying organizations that oppose it. The Establishment gnaws away
at their nerve systems, plays havoc with their communications, eats away at them from within. However, the Establishment is
completely stuck once it has no formal organization to attack. It doesn't know where to start. It doesn't know who to watch,
which letters to intercept, how to generate disruption. Its security systems are much less geared to attacking and destroying
a diffuse enemy made up of numerous individuals operating effectively but without a central command-and-control system.
On the other hand, the Establishment must operate with formal organizations, centralized command-and-control systems.
In the long run, this makes them very vulnerable to individuals who, operating alone, seek to disrupt such systems.
Third, the whole ethos of national-anarchism,
as we see it, should be about individuals and groups doing their own thing rather than relying on big centralized organizations
to control their lives. It should certainly not be about blindly following self-styled 'leaders'.
So what
can I do?
Before you do anything, learn the
following sentence and learn it thoroughly:
Note that carefully. All efforts
at the moment should be centred on getting the N-A message out. Not sitting at the
computer sending e-mails. Not fantasizing about how you'd change the world if you
had power (you haven't got power and you won't get it so it's a waste of time). Not setting
up little organizations that never do anything worthwhile. Efforts should be on getting the message out. Propaganda. And it
should be aimed at influencing people. Influencing a specific sort of person -- high-quality supporters with resources and
motivation. Not armchair revolutionaries. Not fantasists. Not misfits. It should attract the sort of people who will move the project forward.
We will judge you not by what you say but by what
you do; not by how many e-mails you try to send us but by how much effective propaganda you produce. We're trying to produce a propaganda machine, not a political party or a
political organization. At least at the moment.
Right, now let's get down to specifics.
There's a lot you can do. In general
a spirit of 'lone wolfism' is encouraged: you need to consider your own personal situation, your resources and your level
of commitment and then set yourself attainable objectives and work out realistic strategies to meet those objectives
within a particular time frame. You might also consider contingency plans in case your main strategies are thwarted.
Most strategies that do not work fail simply because they are unrealistic given the resources available. Therefore it is sensible
to take particular care to ensure that your objectives and strategies are indeed realistic. Beyond that, you might consider
the following.
set up your own Web site. You might, for example, reproduce the writings from this site on your site (don't just link to us,
although we welcome links; if this site goes down then the links will be useless whereas if there are a million websites throughout
the world all reproducing the writings then the ideas will be much harder to censor out). Reproduce this FAQ on your site.
Encourage other people to do likewise. In this way, these ideas will be spread across the entire earth and will set up a mushroom
Second, discuss, argue for
and publicize N-A ideas at every possible opportunity. Promote these ideas in every way you can. If you are at school, write
essays with these ideas in them. If you are a politician, allow these ideas to permeate your work. If you work in the media,
publicize these ideas. If you are an academic, ensure that these ideas are promoted both in your research and in your institution.
If you are an artist, a writer, a film maker, a composer, make your works reflect the ideas and spirit of national-anarchism
so that they inspire others.
Third, look for other N-A resources
on the Web. They may give you further ideas about what you can do. Proceed with the utmost caution. Many so-called 'national-anarchists'
on the Internet appear to be part of a co-ordinated police or state operation. Do not join N-A 'organizations'
or 'groups' -- they are traps set up by our enemies. Do not reveal details about yourself
and be highly suspicious of those who try to get you to do so. Do not participate in 'discussion groups' -- they are designed
to get you to reveal details about yourself. Do not use 'discussion boards' -- many have the same function. Beware of those
who flatter you and present themselves to you as your friends. Remain brisk and businesslike.
Finally, dedicate your life
to the ideas of national-anarchism. Aspire with all your heart to bring it forward and to inspire others with the national-anarchist
vision. Ours is a vision of a world of small, independent communities and homelands living together in peace -- a vision that
is in stark opposition to the American neo-imperialism of the modern age. We reject the imposition on all of mankind, by bribes,
threats, coercion and force, of 'American values' -- neoliberal values. We reject the idea that all of humanity should be
brought under a common (pro-American) sort of government sharing common (American) values and a common (American) culture.
We reject the bland sameness that the American imperialist regime wishes to impose on all the earth and we celebrate the sheer
diversity of mankind -- its diversity of culture, of race, of thought, of belief. And we defiantly uphold that diversity
against the new imperialist lords and masters whose grip on all of us grows stronger by the hour . . .
How can I contact you?
You can't.
If you subscribe to our e-mail
list we can keep you informed of developments and communicate with you about matters of interest. The general principle is
that communication will always be from us to you
and will depend on the level of interest and activism you display. You can subscribe to the e-mail list by typing your e-mail
address here and clicking on the relevant buttons:
What's the general strategy?
It's a relatively simple one.
Phase one. Publicizing ideas.
At the moment N-A ideas are not well know. Therefore the very first priority is to make them well known. You will note that
most of the suggestions above about the things that you can do at the moment therefore encourage you to spread ideas.
To conduct propaganda. This is quite deliberate. This phase needs to continue for
many years, possibly decades, before phase two can be contemplated. Even after phase two is initiated, phase one -- publicizing
ideas -- needs to continue indefinitely. We need you to get involved in this NOW.
Phase two. Creating communities
or homelands. This will only occur when large numbers of good-quality people, equipped with the necessary resources and
skills join together and create their own communities, turning their backs resolutely and for ever on the outside world and
working for the maximum degree of self-sufficiency and independence. Some ideas on community building are given in the writing
A new land, a new life, a new hope. Examples of past attempts at community building, successful and unsuccessful, are given in the writing Pie in the sky?
Phase three. Natural selection.
Those communities that are successful will become attractive places. People will want to join them. As conditions in the outside
world become ever more miserable -- as disease and corruption and the sheer tedium of life under 'American values' make the
mainstream world ever more dangerous and unpleasant -- it is reasonable to suppose that people will want to join successful
communities in ever greater numbers. These communities will thus attract resources and skills and will bring great happiness
and security to many people. Other communities may well note the characteristics of the more successful communities and will
imitate them in ever increasing numbers, spreading happiness, security and diversity across the earth, providing a
clear political alternative to the politics of America's New World Order. Communities that are dysfunctional -- those that
are inadequately resourced, lack sufficient numbers of people, or people of sufficient quality with the necessary skills,
or those that pursue ideologies that make them unattractive, or those that fail to provide any real alternative to the outside
world -- these might be expected to wither and die. Others will learn from their mistakes and, hopefully, with time, fewer
mistakes will be made.
Phase four. A new world.
As the neoliberal world that the Americans and their allies are creating crumbles into a seething cauldron of disease, decay
and depravity, as corruption and crime become inescapable, and as successful communities spread across the face of the earth,
life in such communities might be expected to become ever more attractive to the ordinary people until they are the norm.
Indeed, it could gradually become so attractive to so many people that these communities could replace the politics
of imperialism and globalism and neoliberalism as the dominant force in the world.
This process does not require
anyone to dominate anyone. It does not require violent revolution. It does not require the winning of elections. All it requires
is for men and women of goodwill to spread ideas and to build for the future, turning their backs decisively
on the politics of America's New World Order.